(Release 1.0 – 03 January 2019)

By applying for registration with a Castle Hill United Football Club Inc (CHUFC), a player accepts responsibility for complying with the code of conduct detailed below. CHUFC has a Zero Tolerance Policy in relation to offensive/foul language and/or violent conduct. The player also agrees to accept the consequences of any breach of the code of conduct. These may include, depending on the nature
and severity of the breach, one or more of the following:
● ejection from the field of play and the immediate surrounding area;
● fine and/or suspension by CHUFC;
● fine and/or suspension by the Hills Football Association (HFI); and/or
● civil and/or criminal legal proceedings being brought against the player and/or their parents/guardians for conduct unlawful under any State or Federal legislation. In this regard, please take particular note of Condition 11 below.

Players, Team officials or Parents agree not to contact current club sponsors for any sponsorship matters unless they have prior written approval from the committee. Any proposal for player equipment, clothing or other item in addition to that normally supplied by the club must be submitted to the committee for approval.

By registering with CHUFC, you acknowledge and agree to comply with the terms and conditions under the code of conduct and to accept that breaches of this code carry consequences under the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of CHUFC and the Association.


Whilst performing my duties as members of a team associated with CHUFC, I will, as well as adhering  to the Regulations of CHUFC or HFI as published from time to time. I agree to abide by the following conditions of my registration:

1. Attend training sessions and matches at times advised by the Club. If I am unable for a valid  reason to attend, I will inform my team manager or coach as soon as is practical.
2. Act respectfully toward the officials of CHUFC and opposing Clubs.
3. Act respectfully towards members of my own and the opposition team at all times.
4. Act respectfully towards match officials at all times; do not argue with match officials and respect their decisions. Abusive language is always unacceptable.
5. Respect and follow the directions of coaching staff, match and club officials.
6. Avoid individual or collective behaviour that may reasonably be held by spectators to be offensive.
7. Avoid all acts likely to incite spectators to violence or disorder.
8. Make no detrimental statements in public in respect of the performance of match officials.
9. Make no detrimental statements in public in respect of policy decisions of CHUFC or the Association.
10. Respect the facilities and equipment of CHUFC and opposing Clubs.
11. I take notice that violent behaviour, or sexual or racial or other forms of harassment, towards any player, match official, club official or spectator is at all times unacceptable and may render me liable to serious consequences.