Castle Hill United Football Club – Field Allocation for Training 2024 Season
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Field 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 5:00 pm 6.00 pm 7.30 pm 5:00 PM 6:00 pm 7.30 pm 5:00 pm 6:00pm 7:30 pm
1 South West 18/1  PL1 15G/2 Blue YG (YPL) 18/1  PL1
1 South East PL1 YG (YPL) PL1
1 Mid West PL1 9G Arnold YG Blue PL1
1 Mid East PL-R 12G/2 WPL PL-R
1 North West 21/1 (PYL) PL-R 11G Catley WPL 21/1 (PYL) PL-R
1 North East PL-R 13G/2 WPL PL-R
2 South West 13/1 21/2 Red 12/1 WPL 13/1 O45 /2 12/1 AAM 5
2 South East WPL 12/2
2 North West 21/2 Blue 15/2 21/3 16/2 Red O45 /1 Red 13/2 21/2 Blue
2 North East 18/1 Blue 12/6 O45 /1 Blue 18/1 Blue
3 South West 18/2 Red AAM 4 14/3 O35 14/1  YG (YPL)
3 South East 16/1  AAM 7 15/2 YG (YPL)
3 North West 14/2 Red 14/1 AAM 8 14/2 Red AAM 10 Blue
3 North East 16/2 Blue AAM 10 Red 16/2 Blue AAM 12
4 South West 11 Goodwin 10 Baccus 18/3 Blue 10 Ryan O30W 10 Duke 15/3
4 South East 10 Irvine 11 Duke B AAW
4 North West 10 Maclaren 12/4 Blue 18/3 Red 12/4 Red 15G/2 Red 11 Irvine
4 North East 10 Duke 11 Duke A 13/4
6 South West 8 Maclaren 8G Catley 8 Baccus 9 Goodwin 8 Goodwin
6 South East 9 Ryan 11 Irvine
6 Mid West 9 Leckie 8 Duke 9 Baccus
6 Mid East 9 Souttar
6 North West 8 Ryan 9 Duke
6 North East
ANY REQUESTED CHANGES must to be confirmed by the Club BEFORE they take place to ensure any change is coordinated with others.
This is important so that we can locate teams on training nights when required. Updated 13-Mar-24
Note: All U8 & U9 training is on field 6 1. Be finished training by end of timeslot.
2. Between 4:30pm and  6:00pm
3. Between 6:00pm and 7:30pm
4. From 7:30pm onwards